A white pigeon meets a black pigeon on a fence.
The white pigeon cooed at the black pigeon.
Undisturbed, the black pigeon feigned innocence.
"why would she not coo back, we're of the same species"
Reasoned the white pigeon on the fence.
"coo one more time and I'll fly to your nest"
Thought the black pigeon on the fence.
Coo coo coo, cooed the white pigeon on the fence
Coo, replied the blank pigeon on the fence.
Lithe gracefully and smart, danced the white pigeon flying close to the fence.
The black pigeon sitting on the fence danced too
"let's meet on the roof" cooed the white pigeon
The white pigeon and the black pigeon flew to the roof, looking peaceful
"so wetin you want from me" asked the black pigeon in pidgin
'the ultimate price in this world, You" replied the white pigeon in English
Coo coo coo, cried the black pigeon.
And the white pigeon replied
"Two bodies one feeling, two minds one thought, two hearts one love"
"forever?" asked the black pigeon
And the white pigeon smiled and replied
"Till infinity and beyond".
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